Complete Vocal Technique
Complete Vocal Technique is a clear method with a distinct and specific breakdown of each unique sound.
The technique is divided into four layers: The three overall principles, the four vocal modes, sound color, and effects.
Each part is then broken down further, and the method explains how they differ and relate to each other.
Read more below.
The clear and specific breakdown of each sound allows you to design exactly the sound you want.
Many believe they are born with a certain voice that can't be changed, but thankfully, that's not true.
You can choose to design a sound that is more country, rock, classical, or whatever you feel is your unique sound.
There are no wrong choices.
Why settle for tools that don’t help or make a difference?
After each session, you’ll leave with tools that you know how to work with on your own, tools that lead you in the right direction in your development, and tools that are concrete for you.
Remember: Keep what makes sense and works for you, and discard the rest. Exercises should always take you in the right direction.
CVT is for you if you want the tools to explore your voice, become more specific with your unique sound, or gain a concrete and specific language for your singing.
From the softest to the strongest sounds, there are tools to make it all achievable in a healthy way.
CVT is for you if you want what you learn to be grounded in research, free from outdated myths.
The three overall principles are designed to ensure healthy vocal production. They apply to all singing and speaking, regardless of genre. These principles do not have their own distinct sound.
The four vocal modes —Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive, and Edge—are roughly the four "gears" of the voice. We distinguish them by their different metallic qualities.
Once we've chosen a vocal mode, we select the sound color. Every note can be colored brighter or darker, regardless of the vocal mode.
Effects are a way for singers to emphasize an expression, a part of a song, or to highlight a style. All effects can be done in a healthy way, but it’s important to remember that we need to master all the steps above before adding an effect to ensure a healthy outcome.