Vocal Health: Acute and Long-Term
Anyone in urgent need of help to perform a gig, recording, or tour.
You’re hoarse, in pain, or feel like your voice isn’t functioning as it usually does.
You haven’t been sick or had a cold, and you’re not carrying an infection.
Your voice issue may have developed gradually over a short or long period.
You otherwise feel healthy.
Hold off on canceling or resorting to steroids—contact us first.
...those who have experienced vocal issues for an extended period (more than 3 months).
For you, we recommend regular individual sessions focused on building technique and developing a healthy, sustainable voice use.
Every sound you want to create can be produced safely, but you’ll likely need to expand your toolkit to avoid returning to hoarseness and/or pain.
Feel free to contact us to book a regular trial lesson!
All authorized CVT teachers are specially trained to provide Emergency Voice Aid.
Emergency Voice Aid is intended for an otherwise healthy voice that has become strained due particularly intense use over a short or prolonged period.
The program is covered in 1–2 hours and helps the body release tension that has caused hoarseness and/or discomfort.
Emergency Voice Aid is available in Gothenburg and can also be arranged in other locations worldwide.
Contact us for special rates.
Many issues can be addressed with Emergency Voice Aid and technique training, but some require specialized expertise.
If we can't assist you personally, we’re happy to recommend top doctors and speech therapists in the Gothenburg area. Our colleagues across the country can also connect you with trusted professionals locally.
We believe in working with the right experts to ensure you receive the best care, and we’re happy to collaborate with other professionals to support you.